Erin Margaret Sadler, also known as Erin the Warrior is a 1 in a million lifetimes character. Erin’s zest for life was an all consuming phenomena. A young girl diagnosed with diseases of her heart, kidneys, liver, spleen and her blood. She was a heart attack survivor, a recipient of 118 blood transfusions and beat multiple cases of sepsis, the list goes on and on and on.
Erin did not allow her complex health to define who she was, and who she was was the most glorious, witty, wild, enchanting, tenacious, grab life and live it person you would ever wish to meet, defying the odds time and time to rise like a phoenix, and show others that the impossible is what came before and that it can be beaten.
Erin’s humour was outstanding, an unforgettable laugh and she had sass for days, a smile that no one could resist or ever say no to. It was so easy to get caught up her plans and mischief and your day would be better for it. Erin loved with her whole being and lived unapologetically. She gave so much to so many, her courage, laughter and strength would inspire and resonate if you met her once or became part of her life.

Erin passed away on Tuesday, the 13th of December 2022. The world is a lesser place without her, though her legacy and power to inspire remains strong. It’s so easy to forget that we only live this life once.
Shine your light bright, Erin would want you to x

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“Mr Swip It” Black T-Shirt£28.00
“Mr Swip It” White T-Shirt£28.00
“Smile” Black T-Shirt£28.00
“Smile” White T-Shirt£28.00